Awareness about Time Sensation in the Rhetorical Lesson between Structure and Indication (Selected models from predicate and subject-predicate conditions)


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  • Mozah Hamad Alkaabi 



Time, Rhetorical Lesson, speaker, the event, Restriction condition, Attribution



This study shows the rhetorical though of its specialists towards time. Thus, it represents textual contexts that have mental formation with cognitive functions and meaningful dimensions which are filled with rhetoric that runs in a paralleled line with the grammatical system of the language holding it side by side and never breaking it unless in some interpretations that have cognitive basis. This study embodies an intensive rhetorical document taken from a book entitled (Wedding Bride for illustrating the model of both lengthy and longest) regarding the attribution and restriction condition that embody in rhetorical thought to deal with the linguistics structures regarding its time and the extract meanings. This study consists of three main parts which form by looking to the direction of time and its fullness of movement: 1. The circle of sense of time in the rhetoric lesson, the event’s time and the speech about it – a vertical study. 2. Degrees of sense of time in rhetorical lesson of predictive outlook or the late retrospective – a horizontal study: a. consciousness of sense of rhetorical time of predictive outlook that precede its time. b. The sense of rhetoric retrospective time that late of its time. 3. The sense of rhetoric in the absence and unavailability of time. To conclude that the rhetorical thought is an interpretive thought that tracing the textual contexts according to its linguistics system and its result from others sometimes of exact time early, late or nothing from contexts with a concentration on what the context’s tools, enclosure and current evidences such as the classification of the speaker does not lie and the speaker lies which creates wonderful accurate meaning. Also there were spaces of time interacts with themselves despite the difference in timing for existence of consecutive context spaces required interacted time system.









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