Conditions of Publications
An Introduction to the Journal:
The Jordanian Journal of Arabic Language and Literature is committed to publishing original high quality scholarly research papers that provide solid insights into all aspects of Arabic language and literature. The Journal publishes academic materials such as original academic articles, edited and translated texts and book reviews that match the Journal’s areas of interest and that follow the standards and methodology of academic research.
The Jordanian Journal of Arabic Language and Literature is a national academic journal that publishes refereed articles specialized in Arabic language and literature. The Journal is supported by the Scientific Research and Innovation Support Fund at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Jordan and the Deanship of Academic Research at Mutah University. The Jordan Journal of Arabic Language and Literature publishes articles by Jordanian and international researchers in both Arabic and English four times a year (March, June, August, and September). Articles submitted for publication are evaluated by procedures established by the Journal and that follow COPE publishing ethic roles (
The Jordanian Journal of Arabic Language and Literature is indexed in EBSCO and Arsief.
Conditions of Publications:
- All contributions should be in Arabic or English.
- The author/authors must submit a written statement that they will not submit their articles for publication elsewhere and that the article has not been published in any other journal, periodical or book before, and it is not part of the author’s university dissertation or MA thesis.
- The work should follow the rules of scientific research.
- The manuscript must include an abstract in Arabic and English of 200 words and a list of three to five keywords. The Arabic and English abstracts should include the title of the article, the names (first, middle and surname) of the author(s), the postal address, the e-mail, and the academic ranks of the author(s).
- It is a condition of publication that authors vest their copyright in their articles in the journal. Authors, however, retain the right to use the substance of their work in future works provided that they acknowledge its prior publication in the journal.
- Authors may publish the article in a book six months after publication in the journal, with prior permission from the journal, provided that acknowledgement is given to the journal as the original source of publication.
- After submission, two or more referees will be asked to comment on the extent to which the proposed article meets the aims of the journal, and to which the article will be of interest to the reader.
- The first page should include the title of the article, the name(s) and institutional affiliations of the author(s).
- The Editorial Board reserves the right not to proceed with publication for whatever reason.
- Manuscripts that are not accepted for publication will not be returned to the author(s).
- The author(s) warrant that they should pay all evaluation fees in case they decide not to proceed with publication for whatever reason.
- The author(s) should make the amendments suggested by the referees within a month after the paper is passed to them.
- The journal reserves the right to make editorial changes as may be necessary to make the article suitable for publication.
- Views expressed in the articles are those of the authors’ and are not necessarily those of the Editorial Board or Mutah University, nor in any way reflect the policy of the Scientific Research and Innovation Support Fund of the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
Procedure for Submission of Papers:
- Authors (and co-authors) who submit articles to the Journal for the first time need to register on the Journal’s Web Page:
- The manuscript files must be uploaded onto the Web Page. The manuscript should include each author’s first, middle and family names in Arabic and first and family names in English, along with full postal and email addresses.
- The manuscript should be one and half spaced and use font size 14 with Simplified Arabic for Arabic and Times New Roman for English.
- The manuscript should not exceed 35 pages, including figures, drawings, images, and references.
- Figures and illustrations can be placed in an appropriate place within the body of the text or at the end. They should have the necessary citations and captions.
- Authors are responsible for obtaining copyright permission for the images, drawings, and documents included in the article and need to provide the editor-in-chief with a copy of that permission of the copyright holder.
- The figures, drawings and other illustrations should be referred to at appropriate points in the text.
- The manuscript pages should be ordered sequentially including the pages of photographs, figures, drawings, documents, illustrations, appendixes and references.
Notes for Contributors:
The Journal requires that authors use the footnotes listed at the bottom of the page on which a citation is made to indicate the cited works, as follows:
In-text citations are made with raised Arabic numerals in the text placed in parentheses ((1), (2), (3)) referring to notes that provide complete publishing information at the bottom of the page. Each page has its own sequence of numerals starting with the numeral 1 and breaking at the end of the page. The first time the author cites a source, the note should include the full publishing information. Subsequent references to the same source that has already been cited should be given in a shortened form.
Basic Format
Books are cited in the following format: the author’s name (Last name first, followed by the first and middle names), date of the author’s death in lunar and solar calendars, the title and subtitle of the book in italics, name of translator or editor/compiler, edition number, publisher, place and date of publication, a number (for multivolume works), and page(s) number.
For example:
Al-Jāḥiẓ, Abū ‘Uthmān ‘Amr bin Baḥr (d. 255 A.H./771 A.D.), al-Ḥayawān, edited by ‘Abd al-Salām Muḥammad Ḥārūn, 2nd edition, Muṣṭafā al-Bābī al-Ḥalabī, Cairo, 1965, vol. 3, p.40.
Subsequent references to the same source:
Al-Jāḥiẓ, al-Ḥayawān, vol.3, p. 40.
Manuscripts are cited in the following format: author’s name (last name first, followed by first and middle names) and date of the author’s death in lunar and solar calendars, title of the manuscript in italics, place, folio number and/or page number.
For example:
Al-Kinānī, Shafi‛ bin ‘Alī (d. 730 A.H./1330 A.D.), al-Fadl al-Ma’thūr min Sīrat al-Sulṭān al-Malik al-Manṣūr, Bodleian Library, Oxford, March collection number 424, folio 50.
Articles in Periodicals:
Articles in Periodicals are cited in the following format: author’s name, title of the article in quotation marks, title of the journal in italics, volume, number, year and page number.
For example:
Jarrār, Ṣalaḥ, “Ināyat al-Suyūṭī bī al-Turāth al-Andalusī: Madkhal”, Mutah lil Buhūth wa al-Dirasāt, vol.10, no. 2, 1995, pp. 179-216.
Subsequent references to the same article:
Jarrār, “ ‘Ināyat al-Suyūṭī bī al-Turāth al-Andalusī: Madkhal”, p. 199.
Edited Books (Conference Proceedings, dedicated books)
Edited Books are cited in the following format: author’s name (Last name first, followed by the first and middle names), title of the article placed in quotation marks, title of the book in italics, Name(s) of the editor, edition, publisher, place and date of publication, page(s) number.
For example:
- Al-Ḥiyārī, Muṣṭafā: “Tawaṭṭun Al-Qabā’il Al-‘Arabiyya fī Bilād Jund Qinnsrin ḥattā Nihayāt al-Qarn al-Rābi‛ al-Hijrī”, inMiḥrāb al-Ma‛rifah: Dirasāt Muhdā ilā Iḥsān ‘Abbās, edited by Ibrāhīm al-Sa‛āfīn, 1st edition, Dār Ṣādir and Dār al-Gharb al-Islāmī, Beirut, 2997. P, 417.
- Al-Qaysī, Fāyiz, Ṣaṭwat al-Ightirāb wa Shiʿriyyat al-Khiṭāb fī Nathr al Kātib al-Andalusī Abī al-Muṭarrif bin al-Dabbāgh: Qirāʾatun fī al- Ruʾyah wa al-Tashkīl, al-Muʾtamar al-Dawlī al-Awwal: Qirāʾāt Muʿāṣirah fī al-Turāth al-Arabī wa al-Islāmī, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Ain Shams University, 9-11 April 2014, vol. 1, pp. 270-301.
University Thesis/ Dissertations:
University thesis/ dissertations are cited in the following format: author’s name (Last name first, followed by the first and middle names), the title of the dissertation in italics, MA thesis/ Ph.D. Dissertation, department, faculty, university, country, year of presentation, page(s) number.
For example:
Al-Kasāsbah, Rāfiʿ, “Imrāt al-Tayf fī al-Shʿir al-Andalusī fi al-Qarn al Khāmis al-Hijrī”, Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts, Mutah University, Jordan, 2016, p. 65.
- Names of foreign figures:
Names of foreign figures should be written in Arabic followed by the name in its original language placed in parentheses.
- Qurānic Verses:
Qurānic verses are placed in decorated parentheses, { } with reference in the footnotes to the name of the surat and number of the verse. The Prophet Tradition is placed in double parentheses like this (( )), with reference in the footnotes to the original sources of the Prophet Tradition .
- Poetic Verses:
When a verse of poetry is mentioned, the name of the poet and the meter must be mentioned.
A list of references must be provided at the end of the research article, arranged alphabetically. If the research article is written in Arabic, then two lists of references must be provided: one in Arabic and another in English. For the Arabic list, it must include the references arranged alphabetically without considering a number of words such as: al, Ibn, and Abū, with which some authors’ names begin. Examples:
Al-Jāḥiẓ, Abū ‘Uthmān ‘Amr bin Baḥr (d. 255A.H./ 869A.D.), al-Ḥayawān, edited by ‘Abd al-Salām Muḥammad Ḥārūn, 2nd edition, Muṣṭafā al-Babī al-Ḥalabī, Cairo, 1965.
For the English list, the titles of primary Arabic sources are to be transliterated using the system of the Library of Congress. However, the titles of modern Arabic references should be transliterated or translated into English. As for books or articles written in Western languages and translated into Arabic, the names of their authors and titles should be written in their original Western language versions in the bibliography.
The references are then arranged together according to the order of the English alphabet. If the research is written in English, it is sufficient to list the English sources and references.
- The Latin consonants:
ʾb t th (or ṯ) j (or ǧ) ḥ kh (or ẖ) d dh (or ḏ) r z s sh (or š) ṣ ḍ ṭ ẓ ʿgh (or ġ) f q k l m n h w y
b. The Latin vowels:
(a/ā), (i/ī), (u/ū) as in the following examples:
Abū Muḥammad bin Abī Naṣr, Ādāb al-Mulūk, ʿĪsā al-Bābī al-Ḥalabī.
c. The Latin Diphthongs:
(aw), (ay) as in the following examples: dawlah, bayt
The Jordanian Journal of Arabic Language and Literature retains copyright for the papers published in it. Accordingly, it becomes the sole owner of the research, so after publishing in the Journal, the researcher cannot use the research for his own benefit and should obtain a written permission from the Journal’s editor-in-chief if he/she wanted to publish it in another journal.
Additional Information:
- The order of papers in the Jordanian Journal of Arabic Language and Literature depends on the criteria followed by its editorial board.
- The published papers become part of the University's database and follow its specifications.
- In case the researcher decides to pause the publishing process or wishes not to pursue the evaluation process, the researcher must pay the financial expenses of the evaluation procedures.
- If the paper was evaluated and declined, the journal is not obliged to provide the researcher with the evaluation reports.
Editorial Correspondence
Manuscripts for submission should be sent to:
Jordanian Journal of Arabic Language and Literature
Deanship of Academic Research
P.O. Box (19)
Mutah University, Mutah (61710),
Karak, Jordan.
Tel: (03-2372380)
Fax. ++962-3-2370706