The Poetic Language and its Effect on the Structure of  Asma’a Almalah Very  Short Stories


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  •    Dr.Nojoud Al Hawamdeh 




The effort in this research was put up on studying the very short story, which was included in the collection of the storyteller Asma’a Almalah (Laqta Saryaa’), A quick shot, and what other collections of very short stories included of stories, to follow up and discuss its characteristics and features, and define its place in the Jordanian narrative scene in particular.                                                                                                                                            

The stories of Almalah, were chosen for this research as she has an experience in the narrating, she has published three collections of stories which provided her a foothold in the Jordanian narrating scene, and also of what her collection of (Laqta Saryaa’) and her other very short stories provided of a good researching materials. As well as what the very short story requirements of more study, as a literary genre, which comes in accordance with our speedy era, and for the experimentation requirements and trend of modernity, and for the recipients who prefer the short kinds of literature to get along with the life sequence and requirements.                                                                                                                                        

The very short stories of Asma’a Almalah, were studied according to the researchers’ common knowledge of elements, techniques and creativity requirements, for the sake of defining its characteristics and features, which the research assumes that they had an impact in the nature of the very short story of Almalah. There had been a concentration on the narrator’s excessive impact of using a poetic language in the structure of her story.  








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