Vocal Distortion as One of the Speaker's Means of Attenuation


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  •     Dr. Haytham Hamaad Al-Thawabiah     Dr. Mohammed Ali Al-Horoot




vocal distortion, attenuation, social linguistic environment



Most human societies shy away from indicative words or expressions of embarrassing meanings contrary to their social knowledge; therefore, they express their desired meaning decently and indirectly by various means, including the use of metaphors in the use of words and the use of phonetic distortion.

This research seeks to monitor a number of linguistic evidence that has been distorted by the sound structure, especially those evidence where attentuation is a major motive in the distortion of its structure. The misrepresentation here is a silent change in a silent place in the word generally speaking; that is, in its whole sense, whether the change of voice is consistent with the rules that old linguists have accepted or are inconsistent.

The research has been divided into two parts: theoretical and applied. The practical aspect has dealt with the issue of moderation: its concept, motives and methods. The practical section has come to monitor and analyze some of the words that have been distorted by voice where the social dimension of the speaker has been a major reason for distortion.










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