Conditions of Publications

The Jordanian Journal of Law and Political Science welcomes the publication of specialized scientific research and studies on legal and political topics that comply with the following rules:

First: General Guidelines

  • The journal promotes academic research and studies that are novel, innovative, and have a solid methodology, as well as scientific documentation that is well-written and expressed.
  • The journal publishes academic research and studies in Arabic, English, or French from inside and outside the Kingdom.
  • The submitted manuscript must not be published or submitted anywhere; the researcher must agree to this in writing when submitting the research for publication. After the manuscript has been accepted for publication in the journal, the researcher is not allowed to publish it again in any form or language for one year following its original publication date and with the written approval of the editor-in-chief.
  • The submitted research is subject to evaluation and confidential arbitration following the scientific principles applied, and the final acceptance depends on the authors addressing the amendments suggested by the reviewer. The researchers are exclusively responsible for the content of their research and studies. The opinions expressed in the published manuscripts express those of the authors solely and do
  • not necessarily reflect the views of The editorial board, the policy of Mutah University, the policy of the Higher Committee for Scientific Research, or the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
  • The intellectual property (copyright and publishing) associated with the research is transferred to the publisher – Deanship of Scientific Research / Mutah University when it is accepted for publication.
  • The editorial board reserves the right not to publish any research or study for any reason, and its decisions are considered final. It may also make any formal amendments it deems appropriate and consistent with its policy and style.
  • The researcher(s) are given permission to quote published and unpublished scholarly material and to explicitly state any funding sources.
  • If the author withdraws their manuscript either in or after the evaluation process, they will be charged for the paper's review cost.
  • The journal does not pay a reward for the research it publishes.
  • The order of manuscripts in the journal is not subject to any considerations.


 Second: Organizational Rules:

  • The author should deliver the electronic copy of the manuscript, which should be at most 35 pages, including references, tables, graphs, and appendices. The texts are in Simplified Arabic font, size (14), with the manuscript in English or French Time New Roman font, size (12), margins of the pages: upper 2.5 cm, lower 2.5 cm, right 2.5 cm, left 2.5 cm, paragraphs: the beginning of paragraph 0.5 cm, space between paragraphs 6 points, line spacing (single).
  • Researchers must complete all the data required by the journal's website when submitting the manuscript to the journal, and they are responsible for its validity and accuracy.
  • All manuscripts must include English and Arabic abstracts (with identical information) of 250 words. Abstracts should contain the subheadings: objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of the study.
  • The researcher should specify whether the research is extracted from a master's thesis or a doctoral dissertation, clarify this in the title page margin, and document it fully scientifically on one copy of the research, which includes the researcher's name, address, and the names of the Viva-Voce Board.


Reference List:

 References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the article; if the researcher uses Arabic and English sources, two lists of references in each language, or more if there are numerous, must be listed at the end.



 Citations in the text should follow the reference style used by the American Psychological Association (APA) in the body of the research; this means that the journal does not publish footnotes at the bottom of each page, so extra information must be included in the main text and the use of references and citations within the text.


Referencing an idea:

 The APA in text reference is in the format (author, date); when directly quoting from a text, you must include a page number in the citation, Example: (Al-Sanhouri, 1964, p. 216) and if there are many documented references to them (Al-Sanhouri, 1964, p. 216; Jokhadar, 1992, p. 78).


Referencing a Legislation:

(Name of Legislation, Year) Or Name of Legislation (Year)

Example: (Jordanian Civil Code, 1976). Or the Jordanian Civil Code (1976).


Referencing judicial decisions:

The names of the courts are abbreviated in the text, with the number and year of the decision (Discrimination Penalty 245/2019), without specifying the date of the decision.


Penalty discrimination

The Jordanian Court of Cassation, in its criminal role

Discrimination of rights

The Jordanian Court of Cassation, in its position as a human rights court

Supreme Administrative

The Jordanian Supreme Administrative Court


Jordanian Administrative Court

Supreme Court

Jordanian Supreme Court of Justice

Constitutional/ Interpretation

Interpretation decision issued by the Jordanian Constitutional Court

Constitutional/ Judgment

Judgment issued by the Jordanian Constitutional Court


Examples of the way to document the reference list according to the APA system:


The reference list should be ordered alphabetically by author and then chronologically by year of publication.


Basic Format for a Book:

  • Reference List: Authors' Last name, First Initial. (Year). Book title: Subtitle. (Edition) [if other than the 1st]. Publisher.

Example: Honnold, 0. (1982). Uniform Law for International Sales Under the 1980 United Nations Convention. Deventer, Netherlands: Kluwer Law and Taxation Publisher.

  • In-text: (Authors' Last name, Year)

Example: (Honnold, 1982)


Translated Book:

  • Author's Last name, First letter of the first name. (Year). Book title: Subtitle. Address (the first letter of the first name of the translator. The translator family, the translator). (The year of publishing the origin of the origin).
  • Example: Di Amato, A. and Fucito, F. (2022). Criminal Law in Italy (H. Abu Issa, Trans.) Dar Wael. (Original work published 2020).



Academic Journal Articles:

Surname, First Initial. (Year). Article title. Magazine/Journal/Newspaper TitleVolume number (Issue number), Page numbers of the entire article.

Example: White, C. (2006, April). The spirit of disobedience: An invitation to resistance. Harper's Magazine, 312(1871), 31-40. 


Conference Proceedings

Surname, author name (year), title, name of the proceedings, volume or issue number, place of the conference, place of publication, country.

Example Nabih, Aqil (1998) The Origin of Political Partisanship and the Problem of Government, Volume One of the Fourth International Conference on the History of the Levant (Bilad al-Sham in the Umayyad Period), University of Jordan, Amman.


Institutions Publications:

The name of the institution, (year), name of the publication, the country

Northeastern State University, (1982). Catalogue, Oklahoma,


Newspaper article:


Example: Johanson, S. (2019, November 13). World’s most sustainable shopping centre takes roots. The Sydney Morning Herald.


Theses and Dissertations:

Surname, I. (Year). Title of the thesis. (Publication number) [Thesis type, Institution of study]. Location.

Example: Ahmed, F. (2011). The Subjectively of Criminal Law. [PhD thesis, Alexandria University]. Egypt.


  1. Government publication:

Department name. (year). Post title, country. (website, if available)

Example:Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2019). Hospitals at a glance,


Conference/Seminar Papers:


Surname, I. (Year, Month, Days). Title of paper [Type of paper]. Conference Name, Location. URL (if available)

Example: Carlier, P. and King, G. (1989). Qustel al-Balqa: An Umayyad Site in Jordan. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on the History of Bilad AL-sham, Vol. 11 . The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.



  1. The electronic page with the name of the author

Surname, the first letter of the first name. (Year, month, day - and in the absence of a date, write: without a date). Work address. Web site name. Available on the link (electronic link)


Al-Salem, H. (2/7/2018). The government spokeswoman reveals to Al-Khaleej Online the Jordanian position on Qatar and the deal of the century.

Organization Name. (Year, Month Day). Page title. Site Name. URL

 Example: Ministry of Justice, (2021), Judicial Decisions,


Referencing a Legislation:

 (Name of Legislation, Year) Or Name of Legislation (Year).

Judgment of the Jordanian Court of Cassation in its human rights capacity, No. (4493/2015), dated 4/12/2017, Qararak publications.


Editor-in-chief of the Jordanian Journal of Law and Political Science

Deanship of Scientific Research/ Mutah University.