The Semantic Aspects in Surat "Mohammad" – Peace Be Upon Him –


  • Fayez Mahasneh Department of Arabic Language, College of Arts, Muʾtah University



title, suitability, textual cohesion, Holy Quran order (order of reveal, order of recitation).


This study aimed at investigating the mechanism of suitability in one of its features, which is titling that is located in a small text as compared to a larger title; the intensive significant structure is faced with a detailed significant structure which has different features. It reveals the role of title in determining the centrality of the text, knowing that the investigated text has several titles, Mohammad, disbelievers, and fight, while they intersect in a certain focus that makes the text coherent. The text was manifested by the noun, Mohammad, as a sign of mercy, even though the text with its vocabulary, phrases and structures relates to the opposite context; all that relates to a the opposing idea revealed by the (title /name ) instilled on the pages of the Holy Quran, in here the following questions are posed: what is the manifestation of suitability between (the name / title) Mohammad, as a manifestation of mercy and the structure upon which the context was based; which is totally based on fighting?

            The other question states, what is the manifestation of suitability between (title/name) Mohammad as a manifestation of mercy and the other naming that were mentioned in the Islamic Arabic culture of this surat, where they are recalled when the text is mentioned, and they are completely parallel to the (title / name) installed on the pages of the Holy Quran




