The Pressures Facing Workers in the Health Sector in Light of the Spread of the Corona Virus (covid-19) in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan: A Case Study of Karak Governmental Hospital


  • Murad Al-Mawajdeh MUTAH UNIVERSITY



stress, health sector, corona virus


The study aimed to identify the pressures faced by health workers in the light of the spread of the Coronavirus (covid-19) in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The study used the social survey methodology through description and analysis, where the questionnaire tool was used to achieve the objectives of the study. The study community is made up of the doctors, nurses and pharmacists working in the Karak Governmental Hospital, which is administed by Ministry of Health, the total number of which is about 637. The sample of the study was chosen in the intentional manner and reached 103.

The study found the following results: The most  pressures facing health workers in light of the spread of the Coronavirus are work pressures, coming in the first place, while the pressures associated with the spread of the Coronavirus came in the second place, and in the third place was psychological stress. Economic pressures come in the fourth place, and in the fifth place were personal pressures, with an arithmetic average. In the sixth place came time pressures, and in the seventh place came social pressures. In the eighth place came  patients’ pressures, and in the ninth and last place came family pressures. Last came auditors’ pressures.

The study also found that there were no statistically significant differences in the responses of the study sample individuals due to their demographic variables, gender, experience, the educational level, working time, the nature of work and occupation. Based on the study’s findings, the study recommended a set of recommendations, the most important of which is to increase financial incentives for health sector workers in order to ease their economic pressures, to deal with patient reviewers through a special role regulation that distributes them to departments according to the role, to motivate workers in the health sector to work in a team spirit, to provide functional housing for workers in this sector near their workplace, especially for those who live far away in order to reduce their work pressure, and to totally separate Coronavirus patients from the rest of the hospital departments in order to preserve the families of employees in this sector.



How to Cite

Al-Mawajdeh م. . (2023). The Pressures Facing Workers in the Health Sector in Light of the Spread of the Corona Virus (covid-19) in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan: A Case Study of Karak Governmental Hospital. Mutah Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (MJHSS), 38(3).


