مجلة مؤتة للدراسات الانسانية والاجتماعية https://dsr.mutah.edu.jo/index.php/hsss <p style="direction: ltr;"><strong><img src="https://dsr.mutah.edu.jo/public/site/images/shahed_khaled994/13-7750b0b60c70d25a2b474535f8f5a514.png" alt="" width="1351" height="811" /></strong></p> <p style="direction: ltr;"><strong>Mutah Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (MJHSS)</strong></p> <p style="direction: ltr;"><strong> (ISSN 1021-6804)</strong></p> <p style="direction: ltr;"><strong> ( On line ISSN: 3006-8665)</strong></p> <p style="direction: ltr;"><strong>Mutah Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (MJHSS) is an international, interdisciplinary, bilingual, double-blind peer-reviewed, and open-access academic journal. MJHSS is published regularly by the Deanship of Scientific Research at Mutah University. It publishes six issues per one volume every year, and each issue consists of 10 articles. It is supervised by an editorial board and an international advisory board that have specialized scholars in different fields of humanities and social sciences.</strong></p> <p style="direction: ltr;"> </p> <p style="direction: ltr;"><strong>MJHSS publishes original articles in Arabic and English that contribute to promoting knowledge in all disciplines of humanities and social sciences. All submitted manuscripts are subject to strict criteria that include technical editing and peer reviewing by two reviewers to assure research originality and validity.</strong></p> <p style="direction: ltr;"> </p> <p style="direction: ltr;"><strong>MJHSS has enjoyed a leading reputation locally and regionally over the past three decades. It has become an accredited journal for the purpose of promotion of researchers and academicians in all public and private universities, in Jordan in particular and in the Arab World in general. This explains the large number of submitted papers to the journal from various local and regional universities and institutions.</strong></p> <p style="direction: ltr;"> </p> <p style="direction: ltr;"><strong>To ensure the quality and orginality of the research published in the journal, MJHSS follows strict criteria and procedures that guarantee the quality and the integrity of the research accepted for publication.</strong></p> <p style="direction: ltr;"> </p> en-US darmutah@mutah.edu.jo (Mutah Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences ( MJHSS)) darmutah@mutah.edu.jo (Deanship of Scientific Research) Thu, 10 Oct 2024 11:30:37 +0200 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 The Influence of Using a Website on the Level of Knowledge of the International Handball Law among the Students of the College of Sport Sciences at Mutah University https://dsr.mutah.edu.jo/index.php/hsss/article/view/1211 <p>This study aimed to identify the influence of using a website on the level of knowledge of the international law of handball among the students of the College of Sports Sciences at Mutah University. The researchers used the experimental method and the study sample consisted of (40) students from the College of Sport Sciences who were selected using a simple random method. They were divided into two groups, an experimental and a control group, with (20) students in each group, and the researcher designed a website to teach the international handball law. A test was used to measure the level of the cognitive outcome, which was built by Shaalan (2019). The following statistical methods were used: arithmetic averages, Pearson correlation coefficient, frequencies and percentages, and T-test.</p> <p>The results of the study found that using&nbsp; a website in presenting the international law of handball by three meetings per week for six weeks has a positive effect in improving the cognitive outcome of the learners.</p> <p>The study recommends using the website designed in teaching the international law of handball.</p> Ahmed Yassin Khamaysa, Maan Ahmed Shaalan Copyright (c) 2024 مؤتة للدراسات الإنسانية والاجتماعية https://dsr.mutah.edu.jo/index.php/hsss/article/view/1211 Thu, 10 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Power of Context: Cognitive Acts and Social Events Meet Proceduralized Translations https://dsr.mutah.edu.jo/index.php/hsss/article/view/1230 <p>Andrew Chesterman (2015) elaborates on Toury (1995) and then revised in 2012 the notion of the two planes of translation process (act and event) by proposing a third plane, namely translation practice, to designate the process at the historical level. I believe that this tripartite can be further expanded to envelop other designations. For this end, we seek to find descriptive evidence for two hypotheses; {1} initial hypothesis: translation can be contextualized when it is affected by external factors (pedagogical settings in our context), and {2} supporting hypothesis: translations can be considered proceduralized when tested, and then assessed performances of translation trainees do not mirror the actuality of students’ translation competence. I seek descriptive evidence to confirm and describe both hypotheses to designate and describe translation process at the pedagogical level. 13 students majoring in translation have participated and were required to submit four assignments alongside monologue audio reports for their translations to mirror the cognitive acts and narrative feedback for the social events. We utilize think aloud protocols, narrative theory of Bennett and Feldman (1997), and Mezirow’s theory of transformationalism (2000) in the study design and implementation. Results yielded evidence for contextualized translation and proceduralized translation.,two terms that we will describe in the study. Future research may advance our hypotheses to, possibly, answer questions such as what we are testing in translation exams, why some students’ errors so frequent, and how to reduce the negative impact of exams and more.</p> Mohammad Niaz Aldalain Copyright (c) 2024 مؤتة للدراسات الإنسانية والاجتماعية https://dsr.mutah.edu.jo/index.php/hsss/article/view/1230 Thu, 10 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0200 The Rehabilitation of Heritage Villages and their Sustainable Tourism Development: Models from Southern Jordan https://dsr.mutah.edu.jo/index.php/hsss/article/view/1231 <p>This scientific paper sheds light on four heritage villages in Southern Jordan: Village of Dana in Bsaira District in Tafileh Governorate, Village of Taybeh (TaybeT Zaman), Village of Khirbet Al-Nawafilah (Beit Zaman), and Village of Aljay in Petra District in Ma'an Governorate. These villages were developed and invested by the private sector until they became distinct tourist attractions by employing their urban heritage within the services offered to tourists both internally and externally. In a short period of time, the tourism activities in these heritage villages became one of the most important and major economic resources that contributed to the development of communities and local institutions. Both local people and investors benefited alike.</p> Hamza Al-Mahasneh, Muslim Al-Rawahneh Copyright (c) 2024 مؤتة للدراسات الإنسانية والاجتماعية https://dsr.mutah.edu.jo/index.php/hsss/article/view/1231 Thu, 10 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Testing the Binomial-Option Pricing Model and its Impact on Improving a Hedge Portfolio: An Empirical Study https://dsr.mutah.edu.jo/index.php/hsss/article/view/1232 <p>The main purpose of this study is to demonstrate how to use the Binomial-Option Pricing Model (BOPM) to determine the premium of an option by constructing a risk-free arbitrage portfolio consisting of a position in stock and option. Financial derivatives are widely used in a variety of financial markets to manage various risks efficiently and economically. This paper will mainly focus on the pricing and valuation of options by using the Binomial Option Pricing Model (BOPM) to determine the theoretical fair value of options for one or multiple periods. In addition, this study seeks to develop a hedging portfolio consisting of a specific mix of a number of stocks and options for a sample of Jordanian banks listed in Amman Stock Exchange during the period between 2020 and 2021. Appropriate methodologies have been followed to determine the fair value of the option price and to create a hedge portfolio that produces a risk-free return. This study shows that the BOPM model gives acceptable results when applied to the financial sector in the ASE; moreover, it shows that designing a hedged portfolio can reduce risks compared to unhedged portfolios to a significant level. This paper gives a great benefit to portfolio managers in identifying risk management techniques by creating a risk-free hedging portfolio so that the value of the option can be deduced from other variables that can be determined, as well as helping shareholders to reduce risks through the use of option contracts as investment tools. On the other hand, this study points to the need of having sufficient knowledge regarding the fundamentals to understand the nature of this type of derivatives, and how they can be used to avoid risks through an appropriate protective strategy and to achieve reasonable returns.</p> Fawaz Al Shawawreh Copyright (c) 2024 مؤتة للدراسات الإنسانية والاجتماعية https://dsr.mutah.edu.jo/index.php/hsss/article/view/1232 Thu, 10 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Education in Mahes 1921-1981: A Historical Study https://dsr.mutah.edu.jo/index.php/hsss/article/view/1233 <p>This study discusses the general conditions of education in the town of Mahes in Al-Balqa Governorate starting from the late the Ottoman Era until the beginning of the eighties of the last century, besides the axes of the educational process, which include the Ministry of Education and the duties of employees in the ministry and the directorate of education in Al-Balqa, such as the inspector of education and teachers, as well as town schools that were established before 1981, the educational process and its various stages, and the general conditions of the students in classrooms, shedding light on the names of the teachers and principals of the first generation who took the initiative of preparing the students at that time.</p> <p>Our main source in this study is the many and varied records of grades and results in the schools, which enriched the study with much and varied information, such as the beginning of educational process, the number of the students, the nature and details of the curriculum and its various subjecs that were taught, the grades and levels in each school, some details related to the assessment practiced by faculty members, the levels of students, their social and health conditions, types of education, and the number of students, which we have noticed to have increased in a steady manner over the years. We resorted to some other sources, such as government documents and recent publications.</p> Raghad Al-Sharrab Copyright (c) 2024 مؤتة للدراسات الإنسانية والاجتماعية https://dsr.mutah.edu.jo/index.php/hsss/article/view/1233 Thu, 10 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Modern Arabic Modern Composition of Auditory Template: An Analytical Study https://dsr.mutah.edu.jo/index.php/hsss/article/view/1234 <p>This research aims to shed light on the modern Arabic composition of the auditory template, and to identify the most important developments that occurred in the auditory template among Arab authors during the last quarter of the twentieth century and until now, through analyzing a selected group of Arabic auditory works, which we took into account in their selection the differences in time, place, and author. The research concluded with a set of results, the most important of which was the departure of Arab composers from the traditional form of composition in the auditory template, its formula and structure, through the use of melodic harmonies, the expansion of the vocal space, in addition to melodic phrases that depend on tonal and maqam transformation, fast rhythmic forms, and the construction of the stanzas in a manner that is consistent with modern musical composition, which is based on the use of modern techniques in playing Arabic instruments in musical composition.</p> Mohammed Zahdi Al-Tashli, Nidal Obeidat; Wael Haddad Copyright (c) 2024 مؤتة للدراسات الإنسانية والاجتماعية https://dsr.mutah.edu.jo/index.php/hsss/article/view/1234 Thu, 10 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Determinants of Industrial Output for the Manufacturing Industries in Jordan: Canonical Cointegration Regression Model (CCR Model) https://dsr.mutah.edu.jo/index.php/hsss/article/view/1240 <p>This paper aims to analyze the determinants of industrial output )added value of manufacturing industries) in Jordan, by measuring the impact of macroeconomic and monetary variables represented by the industrial exports, imports of capital goods, and production inputs (except raw materials), taxes on production, energy prices in terms of fuel prices, inflation rates, and interest rates on the added value of manufacturing industries in Jordan using quarterly data during the period (2009-2022). The study employed the methodology of the standard co-integration regression model (CCR MODEL) since it is the appropriate method within the characteristics of the variables used. The results showed that there is a statistically significant impact of the variables used on the added value of manufacturing industries, as they explained that industrial exports and imports of production inputs and capital goods have a strong impact on increasing industrial growth rates, in contrast with the impact of high interest rates in reducing industrial output, and it indicated the level of impact of energy prices in reducing the competitiveness of manufacturing industries, besides the impact of taxes imposed on industrial companies in increasing the burdens of the industrial sector by bearing the additional costs on production. The study recommends the need for national efforts to be intensified and focused on the real factors that support manufacturing industries, specifically production costs of all kinds (energy, financing, employment) in order to have a significant positive impact on the economy and civil society through increasing employment, lowering unemployment rates, and increasing added value to the country's economy.</p> Ahmad A Al-Majali, Ahmed Al-Kofhi Copyright (c) 2024 مؤتة للدراسات الإنسانية والاجتماعية https://dsr.mutah.edu.jo/index.php/hsss/article/view/1240 Thu, 10 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0200 The Influence of the Man Relationship with his Revocable Divorcee: A Jurisprudential Study Compared with the Jordanian Personal Status Law https://dsr.mutah.edu.jo/index.php/hsss/article/view/1241 <p>The study aimed to examine the provisions of the man’s relationship with his revocable divorcee during the legal period of waiting. The study employs the inductive, descriptive, and comparative analytical approach. ‘Divorce’ was defined as a terms, and it was discussed in the Personal Status Law. The study also discusses the man’s relationship with his wife and the extent to which he can cohabit with her, through presenting the opinions of the jurists and their evidence, and coming out with the most most reasonable standpoint. The study also details provisions on a number of issues, including the place of residence of the woman during the legal period of waiting of the revocable divorce, her departure of her residence during the waiting period, and accompanying her husband in a travel during the waiting period. The study reached a number of results, the most important of which is that the woman who is in the waiting period of a revocable divorce is considered a wife and her husband has the right to have intercourse with her, and that is considered a return to her. The study recommended detailing the provisions of the man’s relationship with his revocable divorce through seminars, television programs, and the classes in universities.</p> Qasim Al-Hamoud, Nebal Al-Atoum Copyright (c) 2024 مؤتة للدراسات الإنسانية والاجتماعية https://dsr.mutah.edu.jo/index.php/hsss/article/view/1241 Thu, 10 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Attitudes of students of the Media Department at King Faisal University towards family education programs provided through the Saudi channel https://dsr.mutah.edu.jo/index.php/hsss/article/view/1242 <p>This study aimed to find out the extent of success achieved by the Saudi channel in the aspect of family education programs mainly by students of the Department of Media at King Faisal University, in addition to knowing the viewing habits of the Saudi channel by the study sample, where the study relied on the analytical survey method, and on the questionnaire tool mainly by applying to a sample of (272) individual students of the Media Department at the Faculty of Arts at King Faisal University, and the study reached several results, the most important of which are the study found that the majority of the sample members watch the channel weekly from once to twice by 78.3%, and also the study found that 70.6% of the sample members spend less than an hour a week watching the channel, and the study found that the majority of the sample members watch the channel with the family and by 81.3%, and also the study reached a number of recommendations, the most important of which is that The Saudi channel should pay attention to family culture issues that were low in interest by the channel, and the study also recommended choosing high-viewership times to publish.</p> Hisham Abdallah Elhag Mohamed Copyright (c) 2024 مؤتة للدراسات الإنسانية والاجتماعية https://dsr.mutah.edu.jo/index.php/hsss/article/view/1242 Thu, 10 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0200 The effect of the corporate governance on the financial performance of SMEs: the case of Jordanian companies https://dsr.mutah.edu.jo/index.php/hsss/article/view/1243 <p>This study aims to examine the relationship between corporate governance and financial performance in Jordanian small and medium enterprises (SMEs).</p> <p>The present study has approached its objectives by examining the data relating to (40) companies during a period of six years from (2013-2018), starting from the year following the year of issuing the corporate governance code for SMEs in Jordan by Jordanian government.</p> <p>&nbsp;The descriptive analytical approach was used utilizing the statistical analysis program (IBM SPSS 24) based on data extracted from the financial statements of the subject sample.</p> <p>The results of the present study show a relationship between the corporate governance and the financial performance of medium and small enterprises in Jordan, in addition to the absence of a relationship between the efficiency of the board of directors and the financial performance of these companies. There was also a relationship between the independence of the board of directors and financial performance and a relationship between the size of the board of directors and the financial performance of medium and small enterprises.</p> <p>&nbsp;This study suggests that the supervisory authorities could possibly issue a set of laws and legislations to compel companies to adopt the principles of governance and raise awareness of the importance of corporate governance in business prosperity.</p> Mohammad Alshhadat, Mohammad Lafi Copyright (c) 2024 مؤتة للدراسات الإنسانية والاجتماعية https://dsr.mutah.edu.jo/index.php/hsss/article/view/1243 Thu, 10 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0200