The Predictive Ability of Test Wiseness for Cognitive Test Anxiety among University Students in Jordan


  • Fouad Taha Talafha College of Educational Sciences, Mutah University
  • Ruqaya Saleh Al-Souriki



Test Wiseness, Cognitive Test Anxiety, University Students, Jordan


The study aimed at exploring the predictive ability of  test wiseness for cognitive test anxiety among university students in Jordan registering in the second semester  of the academic year (2020/2021). To achieve the goals of this study, two scales (tests) were developed. The first one is the test wiseness and the second is the cognitive test anxiety scale. The psychometric properties of both of these tests were validated.

The questionnaires were distributed electronically using the available electronic means to the sample of the study thar involved (300) female and male students at Mutah University students covering different human, scientific and medical colleges. The results of the study showed that students’ competency of wiseness skills were high for both genders. However, there was a difference in students’ competency of wiseness in favour of students in human colleges. The study also revealed that both genders scored at the medium level in the cognitive test anxiety along with a difference in the degree of cognitive test anxiety according to the academic specialty in favor of medical colleges. Additionally, the results showed a negative relationship between the level of test wiseness and the cognitive test anxiety as the correlation coefficient was (-0.767), which enables the wiseness of the test to explain (59%) of Cognitive test anxiety.  Based on these results,  the study recommended relying on the level of test wisdom to predict the level of cognitive test anxiety



How to Cite

Talafha ف. ط. ., & Al-Souriki ر. ص. . (2024). The Predictive Ability of Test Wiseness for Cognitive Test Anxiety among University Students in Jordan. Mutah Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (MJHSS), 39(2).


